Hello everyone, this is a new worldly monk post about the book of Jonah. Recently I was thinking about gradual memory loss and wondered if I would ever accidentally talk about “Jonah’s Ark.” Well that would be embarrassing, but today at a discussion on rest, the speaker compared the Jonah story to a story of Jesus in the boat in Matthew. Well I thought for a while and reflected on Noah’s ark being a boat story, too, and I discovered something so sweet. If you think about boat stories, all the animals in the world got included in the story of Noah’s ark. But what about whales? They weren’t in that boat because they were in the water. So God made another story that included a giant fish. The fish is like a representative for all ocean animals. And in the story, when it talks about Jonah praying, you can imagine the whale praying and being thankful for its salvation too. So now I wonder who the new testament boat story included. I will have to go back and look at it. I think there are a few boat stories. I mean maybe it is a retelling of the other boat stories. Well that is all, I believe this is a real biblical teaching of justice.