Friday, September 22, 2017

Christian Agnosticism

   I have been thinking about converting to Catholicism lately, but can never quite let go of being an Evangelical, and then other feelings of confusion kick in and I am left with the same exasperation where I feel responsible for sharing all my faith but don't know what that is. I mean the gospel as I know it is now a fifty volume mess of thoughts from reading a thousand books and learning from hundreds of friends who believe different things. And the gospel as I don't know it is a million books plus the religion I was taught by people who turned out to be chronically wrong about many important things that it is really not okay to still be wrong about.

   So I am wondering if I should just continue my constant obsessive code cracking and say whatever happens to be my belief at whatever time, or if maybe I should simplify things and give myself a little label like Christian Agnostic. I probably shouldn't, since people might think I do not believe in God and Jesus, when really, I feel very thankful to not just believe in God but to know him personally and be one of his friends.  And I know all along the way that God has wanted me to do things the way He would do it, and one of those things is being friends with agnostics.  So maybe that means God might want a little friend who doesn't know everything, and maybe that person is me.