Sunday, October 25, 2020

Combined Blog Posts

The first idea is something I figured out which is that if people want to be humble, one really good strategy instead of trying to feel bad about yourself is just to pay attention to what is true all the time.  You tell the truth and look for the truth and try to see things as they are and understand stuff.  It helps people be humble because the fact is that we have no reason to be arrogant.  So if instead of just trying not to be arrogant, you take an approach where you get to know people and love everyone, the humility happens more automatically.  And you actually sometimes end up feeling more positive about yourself in an acceptable way.

Okay the second idea is about the verse that says God hates dishonest scales.  It has to do with bad business practices which is something that abounds in our society. And the thing I have to say is if dishonest scales are bad, just think about how God feels about unfair algorithms and child trafficking. He is not happy with that. It is weird to me that some people don’t care if God likes them.

Ok the third thing has to do with mindfulness and Jesus being a carpenter.  He was making creations of wood and that is very temporary and present moment oriented. I think that is important.  But then he became a healer doing miracles in his community.  And the cross itself which was made out of wood took on some severe permanence in many ways.  But what does it all mean in terms of eternity?  Jesus gave people eternal life which to me is even further down the spectrum from rock and wood and more into a zone of water and spirit. But it also says Jesus is the rock where people can hide. So that is interesting.

Finally I will get into mental illness territory and say one more idea which has to do with the trinitarian nature of nature and important elements of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.  To me those are the main three things. Hydrogen and Oxygen can be water or fire, and Carbon is the main element of life which is combustable as coal or can be like diamond material.  And the Bible talks about a crystal throne in heaven.  Well what if that crystal is carbon, and it refers to the human nature of Jesus Christ. So the crystal throne might refer to God’s heart which is happening all the time everywhere so we don’t wait until the book of revelation to be loved. Welcome to Kook Church Central, based on the love of God from the life of Jesus.