Thursday, February 24, 2022

a great verse that does apply

 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,

And every tongue which rises against you in judgment

You shall condemn.

This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,

And their righteousness is from Me,”

Says the Lord.

Pete and Re-Pete

 Ok everyone, this post is about redundancies that might actually be original things. What do I mean by that. I mean that the theological secret might be that “Jesus followed Jesus on your behalf.” Like not just that Jesus fulfilled Judaism on your behalf.  Ok and here is another related question.  Did Jesus have saving faith on your behalf? To me that is a tough one. But anyway that is just food for thought.  If you think it means nothing you are wrong. It is a fact that Jesus did the righteousness work for us, and you either take him up on it or you don’t.  But if you care at all you probably will, and if you need proof, God probably will provide it.  Although in the bible when he did that for someone, namely, Thomas, they had already had their chance and missed it. So it was a double concession, not to mention the salvation in the first place.  Well have a nice day, I have another related post after this one.  

Eligibility Theories

Ok everyone this is an idea about what is sometimes called an “atonement theory,” and it has to do with trying to understand the “mechanics” of why the cross secured salvation for humanity.  Or maybe, just those interested. Or maybe, those interested enough.  

So anyway, this is a theory that has to do with the “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” prayer being a key component of salvation and mostly a matter of being simply a “prayer that availeth,” or the most powerful prayer ever, that is also actually answerable by God. Ok, so the bible says that righteousness is a factor when we pray.  “the prayer of a righteous man is effective.” So the idea is that Jesus acquired the righteousness necessary for his prayer to be accepted, and then prayed the most inclusive forgiving prayer possible.  And it was a prayer of forgiveness, with what could be a condition stated as well, that has to do with people “not knowing what they do.”  


This theory could correspond to three ideas of atonement: Atonement, Substitutionary Atonement, and Limited Atonement.  But I am not going to define those things, and I think really that could distract from a simpler way of looking at it. Ok basically Jesus pleases God, prays for those who didn’t, and then what is the third thing? I think there is a third thing that might have to do with who isn’t included.  Romans describes it more like people who are blind vs people who can see. Like God has mercy on those whom he has mercy.  But I think here it is the opposite and the blinder people are innocent.  Like the people who now have hurt God as an innocent mistake vs people who do it anyway knowing what they are doing and choosing to remain his enemy.  And the fact that mistakes can be innocent is the new miracle happening in real time at the cross.  So anyway, that is a theology idea that could be helpful, and notice the way things are often in threes.  When you figure that out, the verves start spinning you into the air and you find yourself in a roaring corridor of God’s love, where you see the building of sin that will explode and you must find your way out of it.  But it is only by God’s grace. 


Anyway, that is some Protestant theology and people should know that it is in fact true. That does not mean that Martin Luther is the savior, and it actually most means that people don’t save themselves with a prayer.  God saved us with a prayer that has already been prayed, and what can people do but say they hope they are one of the ones who did not know.


Ok that is a nice post but the remaining question I genuinely have is whether the father-forgive-them prayer was part of what was necessary to please God or had Jesus already pleased him enough without the prayer and that is why he could pray. I suspect it is actually simultaneous and that is the main miracle and a clue about destiny. People could also say, okay, it's not that he prayed for us, but that he died for us.  But is this prayer not part of his death, and what made his death different from other deaths? I personally suspect it could have to do with this prayer and what is behind it.


Another factor: “for they know not what they do-” is that a description or a decree? And what is the timing of the decree.  It is darn interesting, have a nice day everyone.

Ok one more crazy thing.  Does it turn out that only the people God loves hurt him?  And as for the other people, he simply doesn't care? They aren't worth his time or his pain. That has to do with his jealousy in the Old Testament too. Well that is all my thoughts. I really like posts that have a simple theme and point but this is what makes this blog a theology blog instead of just Christian Living, like most of my other posts. Anyway, there is a final point to make which is that some people do understand this stuff.  God already told humanity the truth, and there are ways to find the answers when things do not make sense.