Saturday, December 14, 2019

I could be wrong about this

     There is something in the Bible that people worry about sometimes, and it is referred to as a sin that is unforgivable. I think it is in the letters of Paul and it says that blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin.  A lot of people think it has to do with saying something bad about the Holy Spirit, or maybe saying something bad about God and Jesus. A lot of mentally ill people worry about it, because we have a lot of problem thoughts and behaviors sometimes. I myself now have a disorder with a lot of intrusive thoughts that are by nature exactly what you don't want to think and say.  One of the solutions for accepting that condition is to know that the worse those thoughts are, the more it is an expression and even profession that you don't approve of that content. So it could be like expressing something more positive if people really understood.
    But this post is not about that. It is about what I think that passage refers to instead as something unforgivable. I have started suspecting that the idea of that kind of blasphemy might refer to something different than saying something very bad, and that the level of harm and offense in question is more related to things like horrific child abuse that tears souls and burns holy things like God himself.
    You can kind of get an idea from what I am talking about from learning about trauma symptoms, and I think there are problems even beyond that where people hurt very innocent life with evil and disrespect that is incalculable. People would say, actually, thankfully it is calculable and therefore finite and disposable.  Well I guess that is probably true.  But anyway, the main thing I am saying is that people are mostly right when they say anyone can be forgiven for anything. And that the things that are by nature unforgivable are actually beyond even the bad choice of refusing forgiveness.  It is evil beyond that.
   I do not understand it all, and I actually differ in my beliefs from a lot of people by thinking that there could be a range of destinies for people, which include death, hell, purgatory, jail sentences, creative Judgement Day verdicts, life experiences that simply teach people things over millions of years, and of course total forgiveness and heaven.
   But the thing that I do feel more suspecting of is that something truly unpardonable is not something that people just stumble upon during a confusing life in a confusing culture.  It is a deliberate and calculated, defining and inevitable violation of innocent, precious life.  Child abuse is probably closer to it than cursing, though God has officially made an offer to forgive anyone who asks, including people who get in trouble for almost any crime we could think of.  Not asking for forgiveness is probably not the unforgivable thing either, but also not a good idea. I mean wouldn't it be all the more stupid to make forgivable things be unforgivable after all.

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