Saturday, November 21, 2020

Bible Study

you can understand what is in romans without reading it. basically people have different value systems but everyone has messed up based on what they know is right. but when paul says you are only held accountable for what you know, he refers to "the" law and not "a" law. but i think “the law” could also include science and be broader so it is one law. but our knowledge is partial anyway so if people want to view it all as different belief systems they can to some extent but everyone has violated their own belief system.


but the question is, what if people have a belief system that is all bad. well wouldnt violating that be like saving faith. like they are bad but made a mistake and were accidentally good one time. well people say being good one time isn’t faith. it is just a random act of failing at the destruction you wanted to cause. so that is the doctrine of total depravity. if there was something that seemed good after all then the person finds out how to make it a loss by their final rejection that is like an ingratitude so bad that it would cancel that inconsistent moment anyway. that is my guess about it though really i would suspect that the mistake to be good would catch everything else on fire, destroying the evil and leaving only a saved soul who loves much because they have been forgiven much.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Things that make me feel cross

Ok everyone I have been reflecting on my faith experiences and remembering finally understanding the main thing I was tripping over about forgiveness of sins.  Basically in my mind when I thought of Jesus on the cross, I could only see the crucifixion and not the atonement.  So I could believe that the crucifixion happened for my sake, but I did not see the atonement that was also happening on the cross, which had to do with Jesus pleasing God on our behalf. The thing that was happening more than Jesus dying for me was that Jesus was pleasing God for me. So I could even take the cross out of it for a while and think okay, I was supposed to feed five thousand people and I only fed 287. But Jesus fed 5000 so things will be fine. God will say how many people did you feed. I will say 287. God will say, that is fine.  

I can see how people could then say, no, it was also his death. he had to die and it was both his life and death. And i agree, but I think it is a trap for people to accidentally put their faith and trust in Roman execution. That is really a problem that I think is more common than people know, and to try to live by it causes a crucifixion experience instead of a happy life pleasing God. But in heaven all of it will probably eventually turn to life and atonement for anyone who asks or believes at any time.