Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Questionable Theology

Ok everyone.  I just talked to a pastor at my church and I asked her one of my recent theological questions which is basically how much righteousness do we get from Christ.  Like do we get our own righteousness restored and just get to be ourself as a good person after all, or do we get something infinite in some way, or do we actually get credit for saving people from their sins.  That is where I would say probably not but that was what Christ's righteousness accomplished.  I think this has to do with a concept called limited atonement which is a commonly un-agreed upon thing.  And my pastor is a Baptist but she said that she thinks it might not be about credit. And I think she might be right and I might have been plotting to just get a paycheck from what happened at the cross. Well that is very rude and yet kind of a good idea and I already did apply to be a chaplain at a hospital so I could pray for miracles and then sell some kind of miracle tonic like the risperdal and trileptal that I was supposed to take to prevent these blog posts. 

Raca, Fool, Nietzche

Ok so they are saying that the Enoch story could mean justice already happens 

but to me it could still be the tip of the iceberg for Enoch

and I would say an interesting case to look at alongside that would be

Nebudchadnezzer who eventually did come around, didn't he?  

So does he not get the whole works and if so are we going to say

the justice was in his cow days

or are we going to say

the justice is in the recording of his cow days

and does the recording ever go away, and if so,

then wouldn't the word be the will and the will

include a recording and an unrecording?

That is probably why letters are not the same

as ink splotches although they can be

in the computer world

that might fade

if other machines take over,

like squirrels and rabbits.

But anyway I genuinely don't know

but think people need to figure it out real quick

because that is why a lot of people think

that meditation is the same as prayer

which I kind of say in the next post

but of course don't really believe.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

An Off the Wall Devotional for Young People

Well everyone, some people lately have been sharing the lepsog with me.  What is the lepsog, you ask?  Well I will tell you. L-E-P-S-O-G. It is the opposite of the gospel. Basically it is when people say you can't be blessed because you did some kind of defining thing wrong or your particular combination of mistakes happens to be the exact code that unleashed all the evil into the world.  And that seems to be what has happened with some of my lifelong efforts to be productive. What else could account for this ongoing instablity and disability and threats to lose everything even before it is gained, always paying everyone a life savings to participate at all, with bad things magnified and good things completely ignored if not destroyed on purpose? Well some of us who have been patient with lepsog tactics like that have found that we can defeat that kind of evil by doing the unexpected, which is staying alive. So our lives are full of secret messages that can be read backwards for some good news. And some day, when people finally fight all the medusas who have ruined this world, it will just take some mirrors to set things right and access a great story to read about good people who did what they were supposed to.

cartoon from Rhymes With Orange