Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Something Scary to Tell People on Halloween or Easter

Most of what is on this blog is more like thoughts about Christian living instead of theology but this post really is more theological.  It is something I have been wondering about the situation when Jesus washed his disciples' feet right before going to die on the cross.  He was with them and washed their feet and used it as a lesson to them and explained that people who want to be great should become like a servant or slave.  And he put on a servant outfit and washed their feet and talked about having washed them more completely. It is an important lesson that gets taught a lot but I have been wondering if he did that in order to literally put some kind of holy water or cleaning that actually did protect them from something like demon snakes or something.  Because later he mentions that it is a very evil hour and the Bible says soon after that is when Satan "entered" Judas.  So I was just wondering, and then later, Pontius Pilate washes his hands after handing Jesus over to be crucified, and I was thinking what if Jesus mercifically told him to do that for some kind of cleansing and protection purpose.  That is crazy and scary, isn't it.  Well it is an idea I had.  

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