Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Heart Factory and Poetic Mercy

Hello everyone, it’s time for a theology corner like the Nancy Welch show in the 80s. I think she went to my church. 

This post is about the book of Ezekiel, specifically, the prophecy Ezekiel describes right before the Bible says people will have their hearts of stone “replaced with hearts of flesh.” Well he describes this awesome vision of a sapphire throne, and these carts with wheels, and most interestingly some kind of wall of jealousy near God’s glory. Wow I can’t believe that awesome prophecy. I have had bad jealousy problems, on a supernatural level that is like a 10 hour “pang,” and I am interested in God’s jealousy. Like was he actively jealous for five thousand years before Jesus satisfied his desire for reconciliation with humanity? Or was this wall a shield for God’s peaceful heart that actually always knew who his people were.

In this prophecy there is a man in linen who is told to go slay people and he comes back to God and says he did what he was supposed to. But his weapon is an inkhorn that writers use, like it could be some kind of poetic justice. I personally think that this person is Jesus, as author of life. 

But there is something else. A whole throne made entirely of sapphire? What is that? I believe it is Jesus’s place as savior, and this prophecy is a glimpse of how God creates new hearts for people.  Because maybe each saved sinner has a heart for Jesus to reign in, and the sapphire throne is a gift for each of us. So would it be one throne or a lot of thrones?

It can be confusing and probably has confused some of the people who want to say we are made of God. Because they see the mention of heart of flesh and think Jesus or God himself is the new heart as opposed to the sapphire throne so they tell people they are made of God.

But we aren’t.  There is a heart factory and it is precious stone thrones being delivered on carts with wheels from God’s heart factory, which either is his own heart or near to it. And people miss it because they say, no, the heart of stone was replaced.  But that is not what it is saying.  The stone throne is probably the heart of flesh.

Also this scene is just like revelation.  The crystal throne.  I have another post that is almost just like this, where I speculate if that throne is God’s heart. Why? How did I get to it before? Literally because diamonds are made from carbon, and carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are an element trinity that is interesting to consider.

Man this is kook territory and an off brand theology from what I normally do. But I have heard theories before, out of bounds theories and here I see where they got those, and why they are probably wrong.

Some say Mary is a throne of Jesus, and it is true, but that does not mean she is the sapphire throne. However it is appropriate to go there with the theology, like other wise men at Christmas.

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