Friday, October 4, 2024

Wrath yourself before God has to

Hello everyone, I have a theology post for this blog, and it really is theology.  I also think it is cutting edge revolutionary thought that is the best of the best.  I should not say that, but I am because there is a difference in ace pastor bible references at just the right time, which I am really bad at, and theological breakthroughs that change how we understand reality.

So this is in the latter category.  It actually can be applied to life but could be scary, especially if mishandled.

So here it is, I think God both loves and hates us.  Everyone is mad now! That is why it is cutting edge.  Because no one else has figured it out.  The way I figured it out was to feel the holy spirit backing up something true I wanted to say and couldn’t.  There is an abuser who has hurt me on purpose in a job role and I wanted to say to her, “God doesn’t love you and wishes he had never created you.”  And I felt the truth of it but questioned how it could be true, when she is actually a professing Christian.  I do also believe her abuse is severe disobedience that God is not pleased with. She is truly a servant of Satan.

And I think the verses that most back up this theory and can also be understood better in their context is the Jacob and Esau story from the Old Testament.  The bible says that all the Jews with be saved.  Romans 12 is the chapter that most helps with that issue.  But a lot of people use the Jacob and Esau story to explain the difference between heaven and hell.  And they say Esau’s destiny is exactly like the way people choose hell for themselves.  Some people take it all the way to say Esau was in fact one of the first hellbound people.  But I don’t think he was.  I believe God blessed him with a life different than the blessing that Jacob got, which isn't salvation itself, as close as it may be to that. (it actually could be salvation itself in some ways, but would include Esau on that level.)

In that famous story, God says these shocking words, “Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated.”  And if you really care about people, you wrestle with that, like Jacob wrestled with God. Because they were brothers. So here is what I think the deal is.  I think God both loved and hated both guys. 

I have never heard anyone say that before, it is original.  God could have said, I love and hate Jacob and Esau, but he didn’t. Because he was giving us a conundrum to think about, as some philosophical food, which includes a literal bowl of soup.

What I am thinking is that we have a shell of death that we will shed in heaven. And God can hate that part of us and still be a loving God. It goes deep into our mind and life and could include part of our soul. This corresponds to new testament teaching about the old man and new man, the flesh and the spirit, and a few other dualistic explanations, which I will also point out are not the only descriptions for how the mind body and soul are constructed. "Who will rescue me from this body of death?" -St. Paul

I also think there could be a death narrative attached to our sinful nature, which gives power to people and principalities who accuse us of things. So it can be seen as attached to all of human history as a web of lies that ruined the world.

But our true saved self will triumph no matter what weird defeats play out.  Some Christians take on new names when they convert, and people could use their new name and say God loves that person and hates their old self.  I do not mean that chronologically of course, I only mean it if you were truly using those names to accurately label the life self and death self.

This is just a theory I have. The regret of God is also questionable but found in the story of Noah’s ark.  And wouldn’t God be allowed to hate what is evil, cling to what is good, like he told us to do?  Well I think so.

There is no need to be scared and look back at your death story like Lot’s wife. Or forward, how awful! I am not naming the name of the bad person whose abuse caused me to reckon with this.  But I believe I am right that God does not love that person and will burn her worthless carcass in hell no matter what she professes or pretends to believe. And as for her risen self, it will probably have a new name and soul that I won’t recognize. God won't be chuckling to himself about it, it is not a funny topic.

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