Sunday, April 12, 2020

One of my friends rose from the dead.

    Today is Easter. Jesus died and some of his friends went to check on the grave and someone said “He is not here, he is risen.”  Well that is great news because he had said that he would rise again in three days if people destroyed him. I do not know if some people still had hope about that or not after the bad cross incident but I am sure they were very excited when his prediction or promise turned out to be true. I am going to be excited when I get to heaven and have a stone cottage with a bookstore basement that attaches to the underground lazy river network. 
     I don’t think it will be awkward when people meet Jesus in heaven. I pray in ways that I would never talk to someone face to face, like just a steady stream of requests, but I think that is how it was meant to be and that is the way that I get to experience having God as a boss for some of my most real professions in life, which have to do with prayer and life that can’t be taken away by other jobs and responsibilities. I think that in that way, God is an artist using psychological distance to create the relational effects he wants, and I should be happy for my amount of psychiatric problems that do impact my ability to feel love and happiness from God or anyone else. And what have I learned from it all? Well it is what I would tell people who just arrived at the scene. I would just tell anyone to ask God for 45 million dollars, blessings, or jackpots every day, either as a one-time request for the future or to ask him for it each day. And if there is something that seems better, then ask for that instead. And you will find out that the greatest thing was being able to ask at all.

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