Thursday, April 2, 2020

Limiting the News

Well everyone, I have been thinking a lot about religion as it relates to the virus outbreak, and the risk of it all has made me think about what counts as the gospel of Jesus Christ and what exactly is promised to who.  It is one of the main things that has gotten confused and confusing in our times, and many people are very mad at any religious person at all because of the way a lot of us tried to convert people for credit, or turned what could have really been good news into a weird warning, like, “you’re going to hell if you don’t believe the same thing I learned at a church camp in middle school.” But in these scary times,  I must say that I think that it is nice that God’s love can be expressed as either something you don’t have to do anything at all to earn, or actually the opposite, which is that there is something you can do, and it is a simple prayer. It is nice in a crisis to have practical steps to take for safety and a sense of agency, and for the matter of eternal destination to be securable with a simple request to God for mercy and salvation is really a great provision that to me surpasses even the bomb shelters fully stocked with groceries and hoarded supplies being sold for five thousand dollars in a culture that cracks down on gouging for cleaning supplies but doesn’t care that almost all the real estate people gouge everyone for rent all year round. Anyway. I don’t need to go on a tangent but some people are going to go on quite a tangent all the way to hell if they think they are going to get away with what has happened in our country for the past 30 years of discrimination, abuse, and healthcare scams against sick people who chose the wrong epidemics to qualify for medical care and government aid. But anyway what was I saying. Ok I was saying there is a prayer that people can pray and a fountain of blood that has the antibodies needed for the worst problems in the world, which is the greed and evil behind all the bad behavior that has come to light in recent days, or unfortunately continues in ways unknown to many but always apparent to an all-knowing God. I meant for this post to be comforting but some people might be comforted by people not knowing what prayer to pray.

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