Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Fame and Glory

This post is something I figured out along the way and I think that for certain people who have certain sets of sinful tendencies, it could really save your life or your church's life. I think it is especially helpful for people who are a little bit attention seeking like I am.  Basically I noticed as I grew up and tried to follow all the great teachings from church and the Bible, that some of the worldly attitudes and habits that Christians are supposed to avoid can actually be somewhat unavoidable in a way that makes people choose the option of pretending.  And what I am saying is that even with basic intentions to not be overly concerned with things like fame, wealth, and power, these ambitions often just get transferred to Christian settings instead of denounced entirely which is most people's intention. So people who do mean well decide not to spend their efforts on making a lot of money or trying to be famous, and they try to instead live a life of humble service.  That is great and that is the Christian life.  But I think it is hard for some people to not go ahead and pursue that extra love and attention and even a search for money but in a setting where all the other rules are Christian.  So they build their empire as a church volunteer. I mean really it can still mostly benefit people and an ambitious church can be a great gift to the community.  But I am saying that personal desires to be known in a certain way and to have a comfortable life play out in a Christian setting and kind of intrude it with something that was supposedly going to be different than all those bad people on TV.  So what I think is the answer is for some people to go ahead and try to go after their ambitions in a more worldly sense and go ahead and be rich and successful in the way that many Christians have denied themselves.  I am saying that people with some tendencies are better off just going for the worldly fame and glory and that ultimately, even with judging Christians looking on, in their souls they will be more honest and the church will be preserved. And maybe they can give some cash later, and maybe they have an outreach that even they do not realize.

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