Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How Good

One time I read a book about the categories of Catholic saint characteristics and qualifications.  I can't remember all the categories that the book focused on, but some of them included teaching and influence, suffering and self denial, service, like to the poor, and maybe one or two more. I wondered at the time why creativity wasn't a category, since that is also a witness of God's nature, and recently I thought that a specific type of suffering, like humiliation, could have been considered a factor.  Most of all, I think that everyone who tries to do what they are supposed to in life has a mix of these things in their lives, and people do not always know what everyone's true sacrifices or suffering is.  So even though I think it can be good to pick some superheroes and say okay everyone, '"this person got it right," I think I side with the Protestants in thinking that asking Christ's perfection to count for them puts everyone on a path of glory where almost anything in their lives will be some kind of demonstration of God's goodness, even if it includes things like failure at being good, and grief about that failure.

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