Monday, July 3, 2017

Paper, Rock, Scissors

My reference to there being such thing as a greater life in that other post reminds me of something I was recently thinking about how God uses different kinds of honor to bless people.  God tells people more than once in the Bible that people should associate with people of low position, and his disciples have several conversations about who is the greatest.  Jesus flips it around sometimes and says that the first shall be last, and he says some hopeful stuff about people being the least. I have found that in life, the best way to treat people is usually to ignore status and to help everyone be loving in a way that rejects meaningless and superficial rankings.  And yet there are rankings, and it seems that not all ranking is evil, and there are hierarchies in heaven.  I do not know what it all means, except that God flips it around a lot and seems to use a lot of it as a tool to bless people.  I also have a current understanding that some of the rankings that are from God and not from the cruel world often have a paper rock scissors relationship, where people might beat someone at something, but that person will beat someone who beats them, and everyone can truly live with the understanding that they can "consider others better than themselves" with relative ease because of people's infinite, immeasurable worth that cannot be confined to lists and position and rankings.

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