Thursday, July 6, 2017


I think it is time on this blog now to tell everyone that Dorothy Sayers is my patron saint.  I made that request a long time ago when I was depressed and working at Barnes and Noble, and continuing to go through a very long Orthodox Christianity phase.  The Eastern Orthodox Church is kind of like the Catholic Church where people choose saints to be their patron saints.  I knew that I would never be a communing member of the Orthodox Church, so for my patron saint I chose a Christian author that I liked, and who had similar interests as me.  Dorothy Sayers was an advertiser before she started writing mysteries, and she was friends with Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.  I majored in advertising in college, and I am friends with Jesus Christ.  I do not think of those Inklings as often as I used to when working in the bookstore, but I am very blessed in my life and think that Dorothy Sayers was probably not mad about how presumptuous it might have been for me to make a request like that, and to me it seems very likely that she did whatever patron saints do for their assigned people. And she wrote a novel about advertising, and I wrote a novel about advertising, but I did not translate Dante's Inferno like she did.  When she translated it, she preserved an alternating rhyme scheme in another language.  So that is amazing, and I will probably think of her when I am a camp counselor in Purgatory, which I do think will happen, and I will also say in this post that I expect that Mitch McConnell and some other people like that may eventually be some of my campers.

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