Tuesday, June 18, 2024

life verses

This post is about my “life verse.” The topic was brought up recently by another writer, Diana Butler Bass, who was questioning the practice of people claiming a bible verse like that.  I used to question it some at church, too, when people would talk about which verse most pertains to them, and they usually cited “For I know the plans I have for you,” as being their life verse.  I think it is Jeremiah 29:11.  In fact, I think that was people’s life verse in every single conversation I have ever had about it. And the other interesting trend is that I always knew that wasn’t my life verse.  It wasn’t that I didn’t think God had a good plan for me, but just that I needed to be up for more suffering than seeking that comfort.  And even now I see some contradiction, like when Jesus says don’t seek the seat of honor at a party.  He said that to the disciples in his teaching.  So why does everyone choose that life verse? 

Over time, I jokingly deducted that my life verse is “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us,” from Isaiah 53.  I just think that is so funny to call yourself ugly.  But the world has called me that. Definitely it stuck.  I have been treated like the elephant man, probably because of my bent gender, but I always knew that I was mostly above average.  My health is declining now, so maybe I actually am headed towards being "marred beyond human likeness," but either way I don’t know of a greater honor than if those verses in Isaiah have anything at all to do with me. God must have known the plans he had for me, plans to prosper me and not harm me, and to give me hope and a future. 

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